How to Embed Figjam in Google Sites
FigJam files are online whiteboards packed with tools for exploration and discovery. People often use FigJam for collaborative activities like meetings and brainstorms, as well as async activities like diagramming, planning, and research.
Open your Figjam File
Click "Share" button in the top right
Click "Get Embed Code"
We will extract the iframe source from this code
Example: <iframe style="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);" width="800" height="450" src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Copy the URL to your clipboard
Go to your Google Site, or make a new site at
Use the right side panel to view "Pages"
Hover over the "New Page" + button in the bottom right
Select Full page embed
Help: Get the URL highlighted here in red
Click "add embed"
Select "By URL" and paste in your Figjam iframe URL
Select "Whole page" option and Insert
You are done!
For published site viewers, your Figjam file will automatically update almost instantaneously without needing to refresh the page.