Sponsorship & Affiliate Opportunities
Here we'll explain how you can collaborate with KWD across our channels.
Template Affiliate
Promote and resell our Google Sites templates on your website or social media channels.
Commission: Earn 20% for template purchases
Terms: Share your affiliate link wherever you like
Tracking Length: 30 days
Minimum Payout: $20.00 USD
Sign Up URL: https://googlesitestemplates.lemonsqueezy.com/affiliates
Monthly Newsletter Sponsorship
Sharing Google Sites and Google Workspace updates, web design tips and templates.
Latest Performance (9/1/2024)
Subscribers: 20,000+
Open Rate: 23.4%
Clicks: 5.7%
Sponsored Ad
Terms: Text only ad - max 200 characters - 2 hyperlinks - featured near top
Cost: Make us an offer
Custom Collaboration
Contact us about how you would like to collaborate on a marketing initiative. Or email kyle@kirksvillewebdesign.com
Audience Overview
Interests: Education, Small Business, Productivity, Google Workspace, Web Design, Digital Marketing
Top Countries: USA, Canada, UK, India, Philippines