Go Google Sites
Post date: May 28, 2012 8:38:21 PM
We have coined the term "Go Google Sites" because small business and companies are really flocking to Google Sites for public facing websites and intranet solutions. So in honor of this movement we've launched a need website with an initiate: gogooglesites.kirksvillewebdesign.com.
This website is a great tool for Google Apps Resellers to show their clients. It quickly outlines the features of Google Sites. Like how it's easy to maintain and there are no hosting fees.
The next time you build a website, consider Google Sites because it's capable of a lot more than you think. Migrate away from monthly fees, unreliability, and outsourcing maintenance.
Many companies are using Kirksville Web Design as their web development expert. For one company, Corporate Concierge Services, we've built over 30 websites in just a few months. Websites like 225.conciergecalendars.com and retailevents.corporateconcierge.com.
We hope you find gogooglesites.kirksvillewebdesign.com a helpful reminder for that next web project.